Healthy sleep. How do you sleep to relieve your spine?

Healthy sleep. How do you sleep to relieve your spine?
Night is time to relax after a hard day. We advise on how to prepare for sleep so that we can get up in the morning regenerated and do not feel annoying pain of back. Did you know that many back problems are rooted or worsen in bed? One of the reasons is sleeping in the wrong position during a night's rest. This may lead to prolonged pain. That is why it is very important that the spine is kept in a neutral, naturally bent position at night.
What position do you sleep in?The worst sleeping position is sleeping on your stomach with your head twisted to one side. It is not good for proper oxygenation of the body. Sleeping in such a position you will certainly wake up sleepy and poorly regenerated. Important! It is particularly bad for the elderly, because the vertebral artery may close, and this could even lead to unconsciousness. Sleeping on your side with your arm under your head is also a bad position. By sleeping in this way you load the brachial plexus that controls the shoulder girdle. Sleeping this way, you will feel numbness and tingling in your hand because a lot of sensitive structures such as blood vessels and nerves run in this area.
Many people sleep on side, one leg bent and the other straight. – It's one of the best positions.
It would be good if the bent leg was supported by a cushion. If there is no support, the pelvis will reverse and fall. This is particularly felt by older people who are already struggling with degenerative changes and back pain – says Edyta Cybula, a physiotherapist at the Carolina Medical Center.
Mattress not too hard and not too soft.
The stereotype that the best for the spine is a hard mattress still prevails.
– Nothing could be more wrong! If we sleep on a hard mattress like a board, our natural curvatures will be devoid of a support point. The lumbar spine on a hard mattress will literally hang above it. And when we sleep on the ground on the side, the protruding bone elements, such as the shoulder or hip, will imprint on the "board". On the other hand, the mattress should not be too soft, because then the pelvis will collapse, and this will result in ailments in the lumbar spine – says the physiotherapist.
Let's choose a mattress with medium hardness, which will adapt to the shape of our body and will bend under its weight by 3 cm.
– A good mattress is an investment in health. We should not save on it. Therefore, before buying, it's best to try it and try it on. It would be good to lie on it for a few minutes and check if the pelvis collapses on the mattress – explains Edyta Cybula.
What type of mattress will be the best? Edyta Cybula recommends mixed mattresses, made of springs connected with coconut fiber or with latex foam. A mattress cannot have a so-called mountains and valleys. Meanwhile, many people decide to choose a mattress made only of foam. This is not a hygienic solution, because sleeping on it we will sweat more. In addition, it will deform faster. The physiotherapist also points out that we should turn the mattress 180 degrees every quarter. Meanwhile, most people do not and only sleep on one part of it. Remember to vacuum the mattress regularly and wash its cover.
Feather pillows are becoming a thing of the past It is supposed to be soft and comfortable. These are the basic criteria that guide us when choosing a pillow. Meanwhile, the pillow should be ergonomic, supporting the cervical spine. It is best if it is made of a pressure-reducing thermoplastic foam that adapts to the body. The neck is to be supported enough to properly relieve cervical vertebrae and relax the muscles around the neck and shoulders.
And what if we sleep on the stomach or on the side?
– If we sleep on the stomach, it would be good to sleep without a pillow at all or possibly one-centimeter high. However, if we sleep on the side, a profiled pillow will be optimal. The one that will fill our cervical segment (support it) and arrange it properly. The neck must not bend or fall. It must have stable support. The optimal cushion will be made of thermoplastic foam, which will adapt to our natural shapes and curves. Please note that it is not too hard, because it will cause a headache – adds Edyta Cybula from the Carolina Medical Center.
The art of healthy getting up.
As soon as you wake up, don't get up suddenly. This is particularly unfavorable for the lumbar spine. For the sake of health and well-being, it is worth introducing a new habit, called the ritual of slowly getting up. When you wake up, stretch like a cat. In this way you will prepare your body and muscles for work and you will "add more" to your joints. Once you stretch for a few minutes in bed, slowly roll over to the side, support yourself with your hands while putting your feet on the floor.
10 rules for healthy sleep
1. Always fall asleep in a ventilated room, it can not be stuffy in it. The optimal temperature range is 17-19 degrees Celsius.
2. Sleep in bedding made of breathable material (cotton or flannel will be the healthiest). Artificial fabrics increase sweating, and thus reduce sleep comfort.
3. Replace the "favorite" old feather pillow with orthopedic and corrective one, called ergonomic.
4. Invest in a good mattress of medium hardness. A good mattress is one that has no dents or bumps. It should adapt to your body shape, not the other way around!
5. Try to go to bed at the same time. It is best to fall asleep between 10pm and 11pm. Then the melatonin level is the highest.
6. Avoid going to sleep immediately after physical activity. After intense training, the body is energized and it is difficult to calm down.
7. Don't get up immediately after waking up. First stretch yourself like a cat. Then lie on your side and bend your legs. Then, leaning on with your hands, lower your legs to the floor at the same time.
8. Cultivate rituals that help you calm down before bedtime. Relaxing music and reading will be better than watching TV or staring at the screen of your smartphone.
9. Don't eat before bedtime. A meal or high-energy drink will stimulate the brain and thus disturb silence and regeneration.
10. Take care of darkening the bedroom and eliminating the source of noise.
Kontakt dla dziennikarzy:
Carolina Medical Center
Jowita Niedźwiecka
tel.: 885 990 904
Informacje o specjaliście:
Edyta Cybula – jest fizjoterapeutką w Carolina Medical Center. Zajmuje się pacjentami z dolegliwościami stopy
i stawu skokowego, kolana, łokcia oraz ręki. Praktykuje jogę i turystykę górską.
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